Southern Girl In My Own Primal World

Welcome to my blog on nutrition, exercise, and the continual drive to squash conventional wisdom!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This is my accountability...

So, it's been F.O.R.E.V.E.R. since I've written.  You know how it goes:  get up, eat, drive, work, eat, work, work, work out, drive, eat, watch tv, sleep--day in and day out.  It's hard to make time for things outside of this well-structured box of mine; BUT, I've decided it's time to get back on board.  I have to say, when I sit down right now to type this entry, I have really missed using this medium to "speak" my mind.  After all, I enjoy a good rant and I'm pretty sure Korey is tired of hearing it all at the end of every long work day (even though since he's been schooled by me, he has developed the same soap box issues as me!). 
As you may know, I live my life by way of Paleo nutrition.  My diet consists of meat, vegetables, a lot of good fats, a little bit of fruit and some nuts and seeds.  Through the past year I've undergone treatment for chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, leaky gut, anemia, and have recognized a myriad of food allergies through it all.  Paleo eating has been a true change of life for me and I choose to spend the rest of my days eating this way.  Besides, who can turn down a huge chunk of juicy meat and a truckload of veggies roasted in delicious coconut oil?!
Although I've made this lifestyle change a while back, there are still a few things that I tend to "treat" myself with.  I'd like to say that every bit of what I consume comes directly from nature, but that's not the case...I'm about 98% there.  I do LOVE my morning protein shakes.  When you have to take 10,000 capsules worth of supplements a day, a yummy protein shake makes for a great vehicle to get those bad boys down!  Albeit the protein powder I buy is from hormone-free, grass-fed cows' whey with no added sugars or other processed ingredients, it still falls under the category of "man-made."  My other "vice" you could call it would be my liquid stevia.  I don't do caffeine any more but I've become addicted to hot tea and cocoa and use stevia several times throughout the day.  I've recently wondered what, if anything, would be different about how I felt day to day if I went TOTALLY PRIMAL and lived only on things that were derived directly from nature in the purest of forms.  These would be the only things I'd have to eliminate since I'm already consuming local pastured, grass-fed beef and pork, (my own) free-range chickens and eggs, organic vegetables, berries, and fats.
Then BOOM, a fave client/friend of mine mentions to me early one morning about something she'd stumbled upon called "Whole 30."  She asked me to check it out to see what I thought.  So I did...(
In a nut shell, the Whole 30 program is about as "strictly" paleo as it gets...all from nature, no man-made anything, and no paleo versions of food porn like pizza, brownies, or ice cream (not a problem for me since I'm not turned on by that crap anyway!).  It's designed to reset your physiology back to a pure, natural working order, eliminating sugar cravings, energy slumps, and a laundry list of other common issues people just tend to "deal with" on a regular basis that stem from food choices.  The main point is to STICK TO IT FOR THE ENTIRE 30 DAYS without falling off...falling off means you failed (my interpretation, anyway).
I'm looking at this like, "This will be easy for me compared to the average Joe since I'm already as Paleo as they come, but I want to challenge myself anyway."  Hidden agenda:  challenge my husband to do it with me!  He does pretty good through most days--especially for breakfast and dinner but has to really work hard not to eat pure SHIT when he's on the road for his lunches during the work week.  I figured if I put him up the challenge, there'd be no backing down on his part.  Plus I get to have the built-in accountability on my end if we're both participating.
We decided we're going to start our Whole 30 challenge on February 1--I'd say we'd start right away, but since it's a Leap Year, I figured, "what the hell, February has 29 days this year, so we'll start February 1 and end on March 1."  We already have no bread in our house (haven't in years...well unless the parents are there because they could give two shits about eating healthy!) and the only dairy we ever have are Korey's cheese sticks--I'll be glad to have these out of the house since he chooses to "make 'em last" when he's eating them and puts hunks of them in his lip like dips and lets it waste away! 
Anyway, I want to use this blog as my accountability journal to describe anything I notice day to day while doing the Whole 30.  It'll be quite interesting.  I don't see my doc again until April, so hopefully this will be worth my while.  Damn I'm going to miss my shakes and my after dinner hot tea--cuz if it ain't sweet, I ain't drinking it!

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