Southern Girl In My Own Primal World

Welcome to my blog on nutrition, exercise, and the continual drive to squash conventional wisdom!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Whole 30 Day 1

The "all or nothing" side of me took control over the weekend and decided there was no use in waiting until Wednesday to start my 30 days.  Today marks Day 1 of no stevia, protein powder, hot cocoa or hot tea. 
It's funny how you get used to your rituals.  A normal breakfast for me, for the past I don't even know how long was as follows:  big bowl of veggies sauteed in coconut oil, a protein shake, and a mug a steamy hot cocoa.  I LOVE MY MORNINGS!  And I LOVED the order in which my mornings took place.  This morning, however, had to be different.  I planned on, and executed, a breakfast of 4 ounces of chicken thighs, my same big bowl of sauteed veggies, and topped it off with fresh, homemade chicken broth (had to have something to replace my steamy hot cup of cocoa).  No doubt it was delish--I know I can live the next 30 days with mornings like that to wake up to.  The funny thing is how much my cocoa must have had a stimulant effect on me.  I know chocolate has caffeine, however I always thought it to be so miniscule that it wouldn't matter.  Being a patient of adrenal exhaustion, I've shied away from caffeine in all other shapes and forms ON PURPOSE so that I wouldn't further tax my adrenal glands.  I'm particularly in tune with my body,  however, and although it has only been TODAY without my cocoa, I noticed something very interesting:  I wanted to fall asleep while driving to work this morning!  This is very telling to me...I've gotten so used to having even the slightest "help" in the morning that going without for ONE DAY causes my body to slow down unexpectedly.  Now, we know this is only a temporary thing that will likely subside after tomorrow or the next day, but COME ON!  Could be worse, I suppose.  When I went off coffee for good, I had flu-like symptoms for about two weeks following that last cup!
We will continue to see if there are any other differences, good or bad.  For what it's worth, I don't have much to change, so I don't imagine I'll notice too much.  Going off my stevia will probably be the hardest since my sweet hot drinks are my treats in the mornings and at the ends of my days.  It is possible, though, to reset my tastes to not even want that sweetness once this 30 days is done and gone.  I guess one could only hope.
In case you're wondering, Korey decided to take the plunge 2 days early as well.  When I went to bed last night, he was contemplating his "last cheat" before the 30 days were to begin.  Too bad for him we don't exactly live in a household that could easily cater to a "cheat!"  Anyway, we're both on board for the next 30 days--maybe 32 since I like round numbers and will probably just finish up on the last day of February.  I'll be checking in accordingly!

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