Southern Girl In My Own Primal World

Welcome to my blog on nutrition, exercise, and the continual drive to squash conventional wisdom!

Monday, February 13, 2012

After the hunt...

Korey and I are on day 15 of our endeavor.  We got back EARLY Sunday (yesterday) morning from excursion I'd never in my life thought I'd experience (or even want to, for that matter).  Last Friday was my birthday...great big, giant numero 28.  I usually don't celebrate my birthday--I see it as silly considering how many I plan on having while I'm here on Earth!  This year was different, however. 
My obsession with free-roaming, pastured fill in the blank took me down a path I'd never traveled before.  I'd always eaten venison growing up, having had a deer hunter for a father.  Killin' Bambi simply never bothered me--I knew it was good eats!  As simple as it is to find local, grass-fed beef these days, along with the fact that Korey and I have our own chickens allows for us to have all of the beef, chicken, and eggs we want.  However, it is pretty difficult to find good quality, pastured pork.  ENTER FABULOUS IDEA!
Knowing that my birthday was coming up, back at the end of 2011 I brought it up to Korey that we should go for a hog hunt since we would then be able to have that amazing wild pork I'd been yearning for.  I'll admit, it was somewhat in jest considering I couldn't imagine myself actually attached to a tree, rifle in hand, sitting and pondering aimlessly until the (hopefully) eventual chance at bagging a huge trophy boar.  A few weeks past and I was still fixated on the idea, so I asked Korey to get serious and find a place where we could hunt our own pork...he did!
We went down to BFE South Carolina last week, using my birthday as the main excuse to get away.  Deep down we knew it was simply in pursuit of pork perfection.  Ten thousand acres of hunting land awaited us and I was ready to bag my limit--the goal was to need another deep freezer upon our arrival home.  I. Was. Determined.
Well to cut it short, I didn't kill anything.  We didn't even have the option until our last hunt--and that was right after dark.  At that point it was just for the sake of killing a pig--not a boar, a sow--and I didn't want it to be that way.  The kicker to the whole trip:  I'm hooked!  As many hours as we spent in the tree hoping to see a hog/get us one or two and actually failed to do either didn't go wasted.  I'm absolutely determined, still, to hunt me a hog again!  There's something about the thrill of the chase/hunt, and then being able to capitalize on your own kill (whether it be some fat juicy chops, thick 'ol bacon, or some fresh, sage-y sausage...YUM!).
In case you're wondering, I managed to stay on track with my no sweetener/protein track.  Granted I had one slip that I haven't had in a year:  I drank coffee!  Why?!  Simply put, I wanted to remain (as we say in the country) REGLAR!  Going out of town, I just never know how I will adjust.  Here's the strange part:  I drank it BLACK...and enjoyed the taste!  Weird, right...or just simply disgusting really!  Never thought I'd like black coffee, but I guess when you haven't even experienced sweet from even fruit for some time, your tastes just go whacky and you find enjoyment in stuff that used to would have made you gag!
Anyway, back of the coffee now--not good for the adrenals, but it got 'er done when I needed it!  I'll touch base in a few once we're closer to the finish line. 

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