Southern Girl In My Own Primal World

Welcome to my blog on nutrition, exercise, and the continual drive to squash conventional wisdom!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It should be called the Ahhhhh-vocado :)

Okay, so I'm totally OBSESSED with avocados lately.  I've always generally liked them--there are few creamier, more luscious things that are naturally found in nature than what is found within that rough, rigid outer layer.  In fact, many times during the week I'll enjoy a snack of a half of an avocado just diced, with a fork, along side of my strips of fresh pulled roasted chicken (more than likely chicken thighs since they are wonderfully LUSCIOUS as well!).  Aside from the friggin' awesome health benefits associated with the avocado, I particularly enjoy the fact that you don't have to buy organic ones since they are protected by their own thick, inedible barrier--I'm really a super-saving-soccer-mom-wanna-be in training, trying to save the dough when I can!
Here's something funny to tell your acquaintances at your next after hours business gathering:  The word "avocado" originated from an Aztec word meaning "testicle."  I totally see the the resemblance, and I'll leave it at that!  What's also interesting is that it's said that all avocado trees are spawned from one tree that lived in California, planted by a man with the last name of Hass--so, all avocados are related you could say.
Enough interesting factoids, let's get to my soap box and MEAT of the discussion!
Avocados, unfortunately, are touted as being "too high in fat" and are often on the "avoid" list for folks that are trying to lose weight.  To avoid getting into the battle against conventional wisdom on why fat intake is NECESSARY for optimal health (WEIGHT included) and should not be excluded from our daily dietary intake, I'll just remain calm and explain the extreme benefits that adding avocado to your grocery list and daily intake could bring to you.
This super food is actually a fruit that's LOADED with monounsaturated fatty acids.  These fats may help lower bad cholesterol, while leaving your good cholesterol alone.  (Side note:  Higher intake of polyunsaturated fats could result in lowering your good cholesterol along with the bad!)  Avocado joins forces with extra virgin olive oil and some nuts to provide us with the wonderful physiological benefits that go along with consuming these fats.  Let me just list a few things that make the avocado stand out:
  • High in potassium, magnesium, folate
  • Great source of B6, vitamin C, vitamin E
  • Provides key enzymes
  • High in antioxidants and fiber
  • Have I mentioned creamy luscious-ness?!
The stand-out feature of the avocado, however, remains it's high percentage of monounsaturated fat.  You see, the more of the right fat you eat (without over doing it, that is), the more likely it'll be that you'll maintain a healthy weight--or get to your healthy weight for those of you who are looking to lose.  This high-fat, high-fiber fruit works to help keep your blood sugar stabilized and your hunger at bay after consumption.  It's the fibrous-ness of the avocado that make all of it's wonderful nutrients enter your blood stream gradually, AND the slower a food breaks down while being digested, the better.  The key to weight loss and weight maintenance is the management and stabilization of your blood sugar and insulin levels.  If your blood sugar and insulin remain on a constant roller coaster, you can pretty much kiss weight loss, weight maintenance, and fat burning GOODBYE!  Feeding your body the right fats (and in this case, the right fats coupled with a good amount of fiber) allows for not only prolonged satiation, but it eliminates spikes and plummets in your blood sugar and insulin levels.  The result:  weight loss (or maintenance if you're not needing to lose) and a happy internal environment that's better equipped to perform at an optimal level--all the while remaining stable and able to burn fat rather than store it. 
SOAP BOX:  I got really pissed me off not too long ago when I was watching a show called "Too Fat for Fifteen," and the kids were instructed to eat out at a Mexican restaurant as a test to see what all they had learned.  First of all, they have these kids on a LOW to NO fat diet and they are taught things like homemade rice crispy treats are good snacks because they are LOW IN CALORIES!!! AHHHH!!!  (There goes my blood pressure!)  Well, not one child goes any where near the guacamole because they had "learned" that avocados were WAY TOO HIGH IN FAT and that they weren't allowed to eat them and still be able to lose weight.  So they end up eating white flour bean burritos with rice on the side.  This is a PROBLEM AMERICA!  Let's count the nutrients in that meal compared to just one serving of BIG, BAD, FATTY AVOCADO.  (And there goes my eye twitching!)  It's no wonder obesity, type II diabetes, and a myriad other health problems are not running rampant in this country...but anyway, here's to another source of conventional wisdom that's blurring our vision of what's real and true.  Damn!

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